Photo by: Angela Ponce / Save the Children


  • Participants must complete an electronic entry form and upload the photographs they will submit to the Contest.
  • When uploading the photographs, each participant must indicate the title of the image and a brief description of the image, with a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 200 words.
  • Photographs that include the image of children, adolescents and adults must complete an authorization form from their parent(s), guardian, or adult participant. You must download the “Informed Consent” form from the contest website and upload it completed and signed in order for your photograph to be accepted into the contest.
  • It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that the photograph is received by Save the Children with all of the information listed above within the time frame provided in the Contest announcement. Photographs submitted without the technical specifications and informed consents listed above cannot be considered by the judges and will be disqualified.
  • The photographs must have a weight no greater than 10 megabytes, and a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Each participant may submit up to 3 photographs.
  • Photomontages, or photographs created with artificial intelligence will not be accepted.
  • Deadline for applications: September 1, 2024 (we have extended the date for receipt of applications).


Save the Children will invite a panel of judges to judge the photo entries. The jury will consist of experts in photography and children’s issues.

The evaluation criteria they will consider are:

30 PTS

Congruence with the thematic area of climate change and hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean

30 PTS

Quality of the photograph

20 PTS


20 PTS


Assignment of rights, publicity authorization and disclaimer

Participation in this contest gives consent that all photos received will become the property of Save the Children and may be shared on its internal and external communication platforms to the organization.  They will also be used to highlight the winners, at the awards event, in physical and virtual exhibitions, in the media, on social networks, among other non-profit purposes during the duration of the contest and for an indefinite period of time.